Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Today we are witnessing a revival of interest in the use of herbs for cooking and in natural medicines. Herbs are especially full of natural active compounds which are used in the body in various subtle and not so subtle ways. The following paragraphs detail some of the properties and non culinary uses of the active compounds contained within herbs. You can find information on individual herbs and spices (by clicking on each picture below).

Active Ingredients
Herbal compounds belong to a number of different groups of chemicals. Some may be found either throughout the plant or in specific parts of the plants. Most herbs contain more than one active ingredient. Some of the ingredients may have no effect when alone but when working in tandem with other active parts of the plants support and amplify the effects of the other ingredient. Some chemicals within plants produce such strong effects on the body that they are labeled as poisons. Very small quantities of some these ''poisons'' are used in the medical and pharmaceutical industries to make very potent drugs.

Essential Oils
- These oils usual have a characteristic often pleasant smell. They are best taken into the body through water or steam. They are effective as expectorants and on skin and mucous membranes. Medicines with essential oils work well for bronchial complaints and perhaps more surprisingly in digestive disorders and to stimulate the appetite. The umbel lifer and legume families are especially rich in these oils.

- These tend to be rather strong and have varied physiological effects. In medicine they are very useful and examples include codeine and morphine from the Opium Poppy. Alkalolds also include caffeine, nicotine, and the opium derived heroin. Medicinal plants common in Europe that are rich in alkalolds can be found amongst the members of the lily, buttercup, poppy, and nightshade families. This group contains some of the most poisonous compounds known, so should not be handled by the amateur.

- Are found in a wide range of plant families. They break animal proteins up so that they don't rot and are therefore used to tan leather. They were used to treat cuts, wounds and rashes externally. They are also used internally for inflammation of the stomach or intestines.

- Are mainly yellow colored and normally bound to sugars. They have an unnusual affect on the walls of fine blood vessels and are therefore used in mainstream medicine for treating veins, high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.

- Are a group of bitter tasting compounds. They are used to aid digestion and appetite. They also speed up fermentation and putrefaction. They are commonly found in the mint and gentian families.

Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- Originally came from India, where as tulasi it was used in many religious rites, particularly by the Hindus. However in Western culture it was far more contradictory. Early Greek culture put curses on the strongly aromatic leaves, whilst the Romans thought that basil's perfume caused sympathy between two people and was a sign of love. Basil proved to be a valuable herb and was traded throughout the world.

- This herb is more pungent when fresh, but it still retains much of it's goodness and flavour when dried. Basil is best known in combination with tomatoes. It is delicious when chopped and sprinkled on circles of cold tomatoes from the fridge, on basked tomatoes and in puree or juice. It is not limited to this and also combines well with eggs, in potato salad, soups and stews.

Bay (Laurus Nobilis)
- Native to Southern Europe and Asia Minor. Very important to the Romans and Greeks, where bay leaves were made into wreaths to cown emperor. Introduced by the Romans to Britain. The tree was thought to have magical properties where a pair of bay laurer tree outside a garden gate would ward off witches and wizards. Laurel wreaths were commonly came ''Don't rest on your laurels", warning the succesful not to reply on that garlands of past victories.

Chervil (Anthriscus Carefolium)
- Native to Eastern Europe, introduced into Britain by the Romans, and now naturalized. It's rather nondescript appearance is misleading as it has great culinary value.

- This herb is very good for growing on the kitchen window-sill. It is very good to cut up and put into salads, mashed potatoes, and is particularly good in scrambled eggs. The leaves have a fresh spicy taste, with a hint of aniseed. It is also excellent in soups and with baked beans. When picking the plant, take leaves from the outside, and leave the inside and let the plant regenerate from the centre.

Chives (Allium schoenoprasum)
- Native to britain and ireland. The cultured variety was introduced by the Romans. It used to be known by the name "rushleek" in the middle ages.

- In the same family as garlic,leek,onions and shallots. The grass-like leaves have a hint of a taste of onion. Chives are generally added to soups and salads when the taste of onion would be too overwhelming. It is finely cut and generally used to flavour cream cheese, salads, potatoes, soups, sauces and of course the classic addition to sour cream for omelet's.

They are good companion plants to discourage black spot on roses, carrot fly and scab infections on apple trees.

Dill (Anethum graveolens)
- Dill is a weedy annual native to southern Europe and Egyt where it grows easily in the grain fields, it belongs to the same Umbelliferae family as parlsey and fennel, and has been cultivated in Britain since 1570. Dill is an ancient herb that was typically found in Greek kitchen gardens growing among beets, lettuces, and onions. It is very easy to cultivated the seeds can be sown in pots in March on April. It lends itself to pot culture very well because it has seldom more than one stalk.

The entire plant, expect for the roots is aromatic, but the large feathery leaves are the best and should be used in yoghurt, vegetable dishes, cheese spreads and with fish. The seeds can be used in pickling vinegar, cakes, bread and with rice. Herb tea made from dill is useful against flatulence and colic, especially for children and infants. Slightly crush 1-2 teaspoonful with a mortar and pestle and then let infuse in a cup of boiling water for 10-15 minutes. it is best taken before meals or as required.

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
- Is another native of the Mediterranean countries and also belongs to the Umbelliferae family. It was taken by the Romans to their conquered lands and is today grown widely throughout the world. The two best known varieties are the perennial, sweet fennel (foeniculum vulgare) and the finocchio or annual Florence feel (Foeniculum vulgare dulce). The romans ate the young stalks, and medieval herbalists recommended it for improving the eyesight and weight loss. Fennel was regraded as one of the nine sacred herbs, for its great physical benefits and to guard against unseen evil spirits.

- The florence fennel is a better choice for growing, as the plant gives superior tasting leaves and in addition the whole plant may be used. Use the leaves in salads and the young stems in soups. The leaves are especially good to bring out the flavour of fish. The essential oil anethol is used to flavour some liqueurs and toothpaste. The fruits are sometimes used to flavour bread, apple pie, curries and sauces.

WARNING: Do not gather from the wild as it can be easily confused with a poisonous species.

Garlic (Allium Sativum)
- Originally from Central Asia, it has been cultivated in Egypt for over 5000 years! In Europe it is mainly cultivated, althought it is sometimes seen as garden escape in the Wild. It was once known as a valuable medicinal herb and today is still highly regarded for it's beneficial effects on the digestive system and improving the complexion.

- Garlic tastes different, depending on how it is prepared. For instance if it is crushed in a mortar and pestle the taste is different to it being crushed using a garlic crusher wich squeezes the garlic bulbs. A mortar and pestle is also a lot easier to clean! Garlic is used in everything nowadays. Some slightly unusual tips are as follows;
1. When roasting lamb or mutton, especially if it seems to be a little on the tough-side, make one or two incisions into the meat and insert cloves of garlic. This has the effect of tenderizing the meat as well as imparting a wonderful aroma of garlic throughout the cooked meat.

2. Rub a small piece of toast on both sides with peeled garlic and place at the bottom of a salad bowl, with your salad placed on top , by the time it comes to tossing at the salad, a fine delicate taste of garlic would have penetrated the salad.

3. The old favorite garlic bread. Crush 6 cloves of garlic with a mortar and pestle until completely crushed then add into 250g of Irish butter, spread on French stick, wrap in tin foil and bake until lightly toasted.

4. Good againts vampires and frisky overzealous girlfriends! Eat at least three bulbs a day to keep your complexion looking well, however it will have the happy side effect that you will be left in peace to enjoy the aroma by yourshelf. Tip for really good weight loss as well as flatulence, eat hard boiled eggs and garlic for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Lavender (Lavendula Officinalis)
- Lavender is an evergreen/grey perennial herb. It is originally native to the dry and undernourished rocky soil of Italian and Greek hillsides, where it endures hars sunlight and little water. The fine hairs on its leaves protect the plant from cold as well as convering moisture. When growing this plant be careful not to over water and plant in light sandy soil.

The name Lavender comes from the Latin lavare meaning to wash, and since ancient times has been used in soaps and perfume. The unique aroma strongly repels flies, moths and mosquitoes making it natural ingredient for sachets, pillows, potpouris and soaps during the fourteenth century houses and chruches were strewn with Lavender in the hope of keeping away the plague.

- Lavender was not only used in making scented articles, but also in confectionery, cooking and in medicine.

Majoram (Origanum Species)
- This herb is a tender animal perennial in its native Portugal. Marjoram has a similiar savory flavour to basil but is far more subtle and must be picked before it will let out its tender aroma. It comes into its own after the frosts have killed off the basil.

- Part of the customary bouquet of herbs for flavouring soups and stews, in which thyme, parsley, marjoram and a bay leaf are normally recomended. Marjoram is perhaps even more pungent when dried than when fresh, so when marjoram is just beginning to flower cut some of it for drying and use in soups and stews. Fresh marjoram leaves are delicious when spread on a bed of cream cheese.

Mint (Mentha Species)
- There are many different types of mint, each looking and tasting slightly different. It grows wild in the Mediterranean area, and the herb's rampant growth makes it appear to have been naturalized everywhere. The problem is not of growing it, but of keeping its growth in check. Some gardeners contain it by planting it in a chimney pot or bottomless flower pot buried to its lip. This stops the relentless spread of the roots. Mint likes fairly rich soil and lots of water, and plants grown in the sunlight have a better flavour than those often more lush looking plants grown in the shade. Taste any plant before you decide to grow it.

- Mint has many qualities, one is that it helps the digestion, while giving a sense of well being and relaxation. This herb is used in numerous recipes, in iced tea, fruit salads, with peas, new potatoes, in mint jelly and sauce just to name a few. Mint sauce for lamb is made in less than a minute by putting a dessertspoon of dried mint into a small jug with sugar, vinegar, and hot water, stir and let settle. A teaspoon or two of dried mint may be be sprinkled on tomatoes just before they are grilled, fried or baked. Chopped fresh or dried mint sprinkled into scrambled egg, mashed potatoes or buttered vegetables before serving.

Mustard (Barssica Alba)
- Mustard is an annual herb, native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Member of the Cruciferae family which also includes sweet alyssum, candytuft, woad, cress, horseradish, and cauliflower. Young mustard greens make an excellent salad together with cress, while the larger leaving being quite hot make an excellent contrast to some food. The seeds are dark red or light yellow depending on the species. The seeds are pleasantly nutty to bite on, but to release the full flavour of the seeds a mortar and pestle is required to crush the seeds.

- It mixes well into white sauce, mayonnaise, potato salad, coleslaw, steamed cabbage, herb butter, savoury spreads used in fish, pork and veal dishes as well as adding variety to pickles and chutney.

Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
- A herb from the labiatae family, and one highly valued in Mediterranean cooking. It is one of the marjoram, but far more sparingly. The taste and aroma varies with the soil type and climate.

- Oregano should be dried when in early flower, hung up to dry and then used sparingly.

A tasty steak is prepared as follows, rub the steak with a cut clove of garlic, lightly butter then sprinkle with chopped dried leaves and flowers. Grill, then turn the steak and repeat the process.

Dried oregano leaves can be placed on tomatoes when baking, grilling or frying them. Mix finely chopped oregano and crushed garlic into the tomato paste used in spaghetti Bolognaise.

Parsley (Petroselinum varieties) 
- An almost indispensable herb, looked on in the same way as mint, a herb we take for granted. It has been known throughout the world for centuries so its origins are not clear, some authorities suspect that is may have come first from Sardinia. Parsley has been a valued medicinal herb in ancient times. It was particularly popular with the Romans who ate it on bread for their breakfast. The greeks however thought that is was a symbol of death and in england curly parsley was associated with black magic. Parsley is rich in vitamins A, B, carotene and has more vitamin C than oranges. It also has most of the important organic salts. It is thought to be especially useful to the kidneys.

- Best fresh, but can be used dried after it has been rubbed through a sieve and sealed in airtight containers. It can be sprinkled on top of soups, and is also for putting in mashed potato, casseroles and stews. It is excellent for vitamins and a tablespoon of chopped parsley could replace green vegetables in a meal. Fried parsley with fish is superb.

Poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
- The slate-blue poppy seeds used for cooking are produced from the annual poppy that came centuries ago to europe from asia. It grows both wild throughout Europe and in gardens where decorative varieties have been cultured especially for garden displays. This particular poppy seed has no opium content, which is taken from the unripe heads of the poppy palaver somniferum.

- Poppy seeds are used extensively in European and in Eastern cooking. The tiny grains are a natural source of minerals. The seeds may be used whole or ground and are splendid when combined with bread and cake mix. Whole poppy seeds have a vast number of uses, they are sprinkled on breads, rolls, cakes, pies, mashed potato and are excellent in white sauce and macaroni and noodles to make poppy seed noodles.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
- This herb flourishes and has more flavour when grown near the sea. The name is from the Latin "dew of the sea". Introduced by the Romans into Britain it has been used to ward off black magic, with it being featured prominently on wedding days and celebrations. Sprigs of Rosemary to this day symbolize remembrance and friendship, and in Australia a sprig is worn on Anzac Day.

- Rosemary leaves give a strong fresh flavour and fragrance to food, particularly meats. As the leaves are thin and spiky, it is important to cut them finely, except when a spring is being added to impart flavour to boiled meats. When dried the leaves are easily crumbled, and can often be used as an alternative t thyme. Excellent in pea soup, minestrone, spinach soup, in casseroles and stews. 

Sage (Salvia officinalis)
- A perennial herb native to the Mediterranean contries, the Romans having brought it with them. It loves a sheltered, south facing very sunny postion in well drained soil. It is highly esteemed for its health giving properties. The traditional mixed herbs contain sage as well as thyme and marjoram. Sage leaves are at their most beneficial in the spring, before the flower stalks begin to lengthen. This is also the best time for harvesting the plant for drying. 

The sage plant is a dense, upright bush about 2 to 3 feet in height. The stems are woody and square and the leaves are arranged oppositely on the stem. The plant is grown for its aromatic leaves, which are used as seasoning.

- Sage is the most important ingredient in the classic sage and onion stuffing for poultry.

Halved and buttered tomatoes sprinkled with sage and baked until tender compliment grilled pork chops and apple sauce.

A sage cream spread is made with 3 teaspoons of dried sage and a few drops of lemon juice added to 4 oz of cream cheese.

Sesame seed (Sesamum indicum)
- Very important ancient herb, although nobody really knows where it originally came from. It may have been Afghanistan, Africa, the Sunda Island or East Indies. It does not exist in its wild form today. A product of sesame is an edible cream known as tahina, it is very popular throughout the Arab world.

- Sesame meal, which is ground sesame seed is high in protein and therefore popular with vegetarians who need non animal sources of good proteins. The meal is used on salads and vegetables, and made into cakes. Sesame seeds are very popular 

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

- This popular plant is a perennial originating from the Mediterranean countries. There are many sub species with different shapes and sizes. The most popular for the kitchen are the grey, shrubby garden thyme, and the green-leafed lemon scented thyme. 

- Thyme is used to flavour meat dishes, soups, bread stuffing's, aubergines, courgettes, beetroots, onions and mushrooms. The young leaves may be stripped from the stalks and used but the dried plant is more penetrating.

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