Thursday, January 23, 2014


The best loved cephalopod; Squid has a firm texture, and strong flavour. Also known as Calamari,Squid range in size from 100g to 1kg. Cleaning and preparing Squid: Pull the body from tentacles. Cut the head from the tentacles just below the eyes and discard (though you may want to save the ink sack* if you can find it - invariably they will have 'shot' it on capture). Squeeze out the 'beak' from the centre of the tentacles. Remove the quil from inside the body (looks like a piece of transparent plastic), wash it out and then off the membrane on the outside. Then cut the fins from the body, which like the tentacles, can be kept and used. once cleaned and prepared, the body (or tube) can be good for stuffing and steaming or baking, small whole squid can be grilled pan-fried or griddled and large Squid can be opened out flat, scored and cut into pieces with the tentacles for stir-frying.
*Squid ink is widely used in making pasta and risotto, and gives it a rich black colour and a delicious fishy taste. It freezes well, and can even be sold separately, so you don't need to buy Squid to get it!

Very similiar to squid, but can be tougher, and not as readily available as most UK landings are sold to France and Spain. Usually range from 225-500g. Contains the hard white bone often seen in bird cages!

It can be difficult to cook, as it can easily become tough and rubbery. Much of the Octopus in the market place is ready prepared and frozen, and this is no bad thing as it helps to tenderise it. There are many schools of thought on how best to cook it. Most chefs thoroughly beat it first (the Greeks used to do this on the rocks!), and it is then cooked either very slowly or very quickly-but never in-between.

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