Tuesday, January 28, 2014


To marinate means to soak a food product in a seasoned liquid in order to flavour and tenderise the product.

The tenderising effect of the acids in the marinade is relatively small, but it is essential to match the proper cut of meat with the proper cooking techniques for greatest tenderness.

Marinades have three categories of ingredients:

  • Oil
Oil helps preserve the meat's moisture. Sometimes it is omitted, especially for long marinating, when the oil would only float on top, out of contact with the product being marinated. A tasteless vegetable oil is usually used.

  • Acid
Acid comes from vinegar, lemon juice, or wine. Acid helps tenderise protein foods.

  • Flavourings 
Flavourings from spices, herbs, or vegetables.

There are several points for marinating:

  •  Marinating should be done under refrigeration (unless product is to be cooked in only a few minutes).
  • The thicker of the product, the more time needed for the marinade to penetrate.
  • Use an acid-resistant container, such as stainless steel, glass, or some plastics
  • Cover product completely with marinade.

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