Wednesday, January 22, 2014


As better rearing methods have been perfected chicken, once reserved for special occasions, and other poultry have become commonplace in restaurants and  homes. Poultry production is now a big business, with  breeding, care, and feeding all scientifically controlled.   
   Today, Chicken, Turkey, and game birds can be found sold as "free-range,"  and/or "organic." Just as these terms may not have a precise meaning when applied to beef, they are equally unclear in relations to the methods used to raise poultry. Some chef  are inclined to prefer birds raised in a free range environment. There is a greater likelihood that these bird have been allowed at least some exercise in a lot, rather than spending their entire lives in a cage, They may be allowed to forage for some of their feed, most likely, a commercial operation of any size will need to more carefully regulate the care and feeding of bird intended for sale to the public. this means that feed formulas will be prepared, and certain health precautions including immunizations and treatment with antibiotics are neccesarry. Oragnically raised bird may  be free of chemically produced growth enchancer or steroids, but it is important to ask questions about any product you buy that is sold to you as either natural or organic.
   Poultry, like other meats, must underago a mandatory inspection for wholesomeness. It may be Graded  as USDA A,  B, or C. The following factor determine the grade: shape of the carcass; ratio of meat to bone; freedom from pinfeathers hair, and down; and number (if any) of tears, cuts, or broken bones.
   After post-mortem inspection, the birds are plucked, cleaned, chilled, and packaged. (see the pictures)

                               Domestic Poultry


 They Can be purchased whole or in parts. They younger the bird, the more tender its flesh. As bird age, their flesh toughens, and the cartilage in the breast hardens. The windpipe and bill of ducks and geese will also harden. Poultry is classified by size and age (maturity).

                               Poultry Classification

   Chicken is usually available as broiler, fryers, or roasters. Very small chicken, or baby chicken, is sometimes available, and may be referred to as "poussin." These bird are sold whole or as parts. They may be roasted , grilled, broiled, bake in pieces, sauteed, pan-fried, or deep-fried.
   Stewing hends or fowls are more mature and are best simmered, stewed, or braised. They are excelent for soup.
   Chicken feet and cock's combs, though dificult to obtain, are traditional elements in stocks and soups, providing excellent flavour and body.
   Chicken livers, gizzards, hearts, backs, and neck are also sold and have various applications in the kitchen. Schmaltz, or rendered chicken fat, is also available, and is an important component in kosher cooking.

Cornish Game Hen/Rock Cornish Game Hen
   These birds are the result of careful breeding. They are small, relatively plump birds. There is more breast meat, in relation to its overall size and composition, than dark or leg meat.

   Benjamin Franklin made a strong case for endorsing the turkey as the national bird for the United States. This large bird has gained in popularity over the years, and turkey products are finding their way onto the menu year-round, instead of only at Thanksgiving.
   Turkey are classified as either young hen or tom, or mature hen or tom birds. In general, the meat-to-bone ration is best at weights over 12 pounds.
   Turkey is increasingly available as parts: breast with neck and back attached, boneless breast meat, legs only, even portion-cut scallops or cutlets. Turkey has a more distinct flavor than chicken and as such may be preferred by some consumers. The traditional turkey club or sandwich remains popular on all menus.
   Wild turkey is infrequently available through special purveyors. It must meet certain health and safety standarts in order to be sold legally in restaurants. If you are unsure, contact your local health departement for more information.

   Ducks and Geese Ducklings (ducks under one year of age) are generally roasted. Full-grown ducks may be roasted, but are also braised, stewed, or made into confit. Peking duck, Long island duck, moularde duck, and muscovy duck consitute the breeds of duck commonly found in this country.
   It is possible to purchase duck parts, including breasts, legs, and liver. The breast is often sauteed, grilled, or pan-seared. Legs are typicall slow roasted or braised. The fattened liver of the moularde duck, known as foie gras, is produced commercially in this country, making it more readily available as a fresh product. Foie gras shrinks when cooked, so great care should be taken to saute it correctly. It is also used in a variety of sausages, gratins, and other charcuterie preparations.
   Geese are referred to a goslings when young. These birds are generally suited to roasting. Gesse over one year old may be better stewed or braised. 

Wild Game Birds 
   Traditionally, chefs could obtain most game birds only during the hunting season, usually late fall and early winter. Today many game birds are raised on farms year-round. However, many game birds, especially those allowed "Free range," will still be at their best from October through December or January. Game birds are "wild" species. This means that while they may be farm-raised, their characteristics are usually not reproductively controlled.

    Game Birds (Pheasant, Squab, and Quails)

   Young fowl should have soft, smooth, pliable skin. The breastbone cartilage should be flexible, as it is for domestic fowl. The flesh should be tender, with a slight "gamy" taste. The types of game birds most often used today in cooking are the following:

Quail The smallest of the game birds, these are traditionally spit-roasted, poeleed, or poached.

Snipe/Woodcock The snipe is available in three sizes: large, common, and small, and traditionally has been considered by gourments to be one of the finest of all game birds.

Wild Duck Teal, a small duck, is considered a delicacy. As wild duck ages, the flesh may take on a fishy or oily taste.

Pheasant One of the meatiest of all game birds, the pheasant may be roasted or braised. Domestically raised pheasant will not have a pronounced gamy flavor.

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