Saturday, January 25, 2014


Basic Preparations

Removing the scales from whole fish. It's very difficult to scale fish once filleted. Some fish such as John Dory and Mackerel don't have scales.

Removing the guts from whole fish. Best removed as soon as possible, as when left, the guts breed bacteria which damages the flesh.

Cuts and Portions
As a very rough guide, you get approximately 50% meat (yield) from a whole fish. however, this varies by specie and the preparation and cut required. Also, removing the skin reduces the yield further by approximately 10%. For a guide to yields on the most popular cuts and portions.

Whole fish 
- As consumers become increasingly adventurous when eating out, we are seeing a return of portion sized fish (300-600g) being served whole again. Both round and flat fish can be cooked whole with simple preparation.

Round fish
- should be scaled & gutted, and fins removed (though not essential). The flesh can be scored prior to cooking to take seasoning if required, and the gut cavity is ideal for stuffing with herbs.

Flat fish
- should be gutted and trimmed, then can be either left with the skin on, skinned both sides, or just skinned on the dark side. The head can also be removed if required.

- The most common cuts and available from any fish*- round or flat. Fillets from larger fish can be further cut into portion sized supremes or escalopes.


  • Large game fish (such as Tuna & Swordfish) are filleted into large 2kg+ loins, which are then cut into supremes.
  • Skate have 'wings' - which are pectoral fins, usually skinned and trimmed 
  • Monkfish does produce fillets, though all the meat is in the tail. The tails must be skinned and the membrane removed - this is thin layer under the skin, which if not removed, will shrink the flesh when cooked (similiar to 'sniew' in a sirloin steak). The tails can then be trimmed and either cut across the bone into a steak or cut off the bone into a fillet.
Pin boning
- Once filleted, there still remains what are known as 'pin bones'. These can be removed with strong pliers, or the fillets can be 'flick' or 'V boned' , where the bone line is cut from the flesh. Fillets can also be 'J cut', where both the bone line and the flap of the fillet are removed leaving a 'J' shape at the head end of the fillet, though this is less popular as it doesn't look as a attractive. 

Variations of the fillet and other portions..
Quarter-cut fillets
- A single flat fish fillet can be cut in half length ways into quarter fillets.

Butterfly fillets
- Portion size whole round fish can be de-headed, and filleted only cutting through either the back or belly side creating a 'butterfly' style fillet once opened. An attractive way of presenting fish, and ideal for filling.

Pocketed fish
- Portion size flat fish can be de-headed, trimmed and filleted without cutting into the top or bottom sides creating a 'pocket', which can be filled and baked or grilled.

Canoe fillets
- Whole round fish filleted along the black as per butterfly cut, except the head is left on creating a 'canoe' shape. 

- Finger sized strips of fillet, which are usually coated and fried - but can also be 'plaited' to create a lattice effect. This gives a great visual contrast when  using Salmon and any whitefish.

Fillet tails
- When cutting supremes from a large fillet, you get a tail piece left, which is not as popular due to it's irregular shape which doesn't cook as evenly. However, if you can use them they can be a good buy.

- The prime part of a fillet taken above the bone of a large round fish such as Cold, and taken from either side of the bone of large game fish like Tuna. Smaller loins from Cod or Hake may be portion size, but large loins from Tuna and Swordfish will need cutting into supremes.

- Sometimes confusingly called steaks, fillet or paves, supremes are prime boneless portions cut from large fillets or loins. Traditionally, supremes were often cut on the slant, but these days are cut straight. They are an extremely popular cut, as they provide a thick piece of boneless meat, which crearly appeals to consumers put off by bones in fish.

- A deep, precise round portion, cut from large game loins. The loin is trimmed to create a cylindrical shape, which is then portioned. Ideal for creating height on the plate. 

- Portions cut through the bone of a whole fish. Also known by the French as a dame when cut from a round fish and troncon when cut from a flat fish.

- Also known as roasts (and-again-confusingly-supremes,troncons and steaks), paves are cut from large flat fish by cutting in half down the length through the bone, and then cutting the two halves into portions-normally with the skin left on.

- Cut from a large skinless fillet at an angle towards the tail. This creates a thick slice, which provides good plate coverage. Often confused with a delice.

- A skinless fillet folded over (skin-side on the inside).

- A skinless fillet spread with a stuffing on the skin-side, and then rolled and baked or steamed.


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